Cctv Camera System

Rs.40 000
Cctv Camera System

CCTV KBO Solutions (Pvt) Ltd.
76A,Colombo Rd,
Piliyandala , Srilanka.
Fax :0112707203

CCTV Camera systems And Wifi CCTV Camera System

නවීනතම IP කැමරා පද්ධති මගින් අවම නඩත්තුවක් සහිතව උසස්ම තත්වයේ රූප රාමු ලබා ගන්න
Why you pay for high cost for 1MP or TVL systems ,
Those are china scrap system , don’t buy and waste your money
View through Android phone . Iphone , Tab , support
Kit system features:
—–With 4x WIFI bullet IP camera, 1920x1080p 2 megapixel
—–Plug & play, get all unit plug & connected, Quad video auto. play on screen
—–Support web interface & CMS, Iphone /Android smartphone view
—–P2P, access with device ID, No need DDNS or static IP
—–All-in-one package, include WIFI router with WIFI setup already
—–Come with 4 rolls of network cable for wired connection in needs.
Plug and play all unit.
1 NVR, Router, camera get powered
2. NVR connect monitor with VGA/HDMI
3. NVR connect Router with UTP cable, Router LAN port
4. Turn on NVR
Camera and hook up the WIFI network building by router, then transmit
Quad HD image playing on monitor screen.

In Sri lanka No provider for high end

Price dual band WIFI(4 CHANNEL SYSTEM)———————————————————–

4CH H.264 NVR Video Recorder 1080P full HD Resolution Waterproof Wireless night vision WIFI Network IP Camera CCTV Security System ( 4 cameras 2MP)
Rs 80.000 /=
Price POE IP camera system(4 CHANNEL SYSTEM) ————————————————–
4CH H.264 NVR Video Recorder full HD Resolution Waterproof Wireless night vision POE Network IP Camera CCTV Security System ( 4 cameras 2MP)
Rs 60.000/=
8CH H.264 NVR Video Recorder 2MP 1080P full HD Resolution Waterproof Wireless night vision POE Network IP Camera CCTV Security System ( 8 cameras 2MP)
Rs 107.000 /=
Six year warranty
Free servervice maintains
Lowest price guarantee
Srilanka only one Authorized dealer

Ad Reference ID: 5555755bd8d7288

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Category Name: Camera