Brand New House For Sale.

Rs.25 000 000

A brand now house, just completed, located in Ethul Kotte, closer to Sri Jayawardanapura mawatha, is available for immediate sale. This plot of Land which is in extent of 08 perches, situated below the road level and created the living/dinning area in the basement which accommodates the Pantry, master bed room with an attached wash room, additional wash room for visitors, Servants’ toilet (out side) and a relaxing area which is open to sky to grab the sun light into the basement. There are two stair cases (one from out side and the other one from inside)
The 1st floor consists with three bed rooms with balconies, a common wash room and the TV lounge with required electrical points. The Roof top consists with a large balcony with a picturesque view and also a covered structure to secure the water tank.
Highly residential area and lot of tranquility, closer to super markets, Jayawardanapura Hospital Nature park with a jogging track, takes two minutes drive and six minutes walk from Ethul kotte / Pita kotte main road. Selling price Rs. Twenty four million and negotiable with the closest highest offer.

Ad Reference ID: 3455613bbebb0940

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