40p land for sale in Kalalgoda Road
Thalawathugoda Rs. 275000
per perch
for quick sale.40p land for sale in Kalalgoda near Thalawathugoda Junction. 2.8km to the land from Thalawathugoa Junction. It is situated in a peaceful area adjoining a wella, on other sides surrounded by residential houses. Land has 16 coconut trees and other trees. The land is situated 1.7Km alone Kalalgoda Road from the Thalawathugoda side. It is then a 140m drive to the left of the Kalalgoda road. Kalalgoda road then leads to Hokandara road just about 500 m away. So the land is close to major cities of Thalawathugoda, Pannipitiya, Malabe ..etc
Prize 275000 per perch. Compare land prizes in the area yourself to see what a bargain this is. This prize is only for someone who will buy the whole 40p land.Call without delay for more details-Udayanga Perera 0776609110
40p Land For Sale In Kalalgoda Road
Rs.275 000Ad Reference ID: 50754fac37e57c4e
134 total views, 3 today
Category Name: Property For Sale